Europe in 1914 map quiz and Mercantilism 101

You will have a map quiz based on the study map of Europe in 1914 that you made in class.  The quiz is set for Friday, September 29.

Roger K. Strickland is an economics professor at Santa Fe College in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Watch his short lecture on the economic theory of Mercantilism.  It is important to our study of history because it was the dominant economic theory of imperialism which was one of the causes of World War 1. It was the cause of the expansion of empires and the wars that expansion caused.

Your task:

1 Watch the video and make a sketch using colour that reproduces the excellent diagram he uses to explain Mercantilism. Make clear notes that explain Mercantilism. Be prepared to use that sketch and the notes to explain Mercantilism to the teacher and other students.


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