Conflict Resolution and Spirituality

After reading the sections in the text on conflict resolution and spirituality and watching Frank Brown’s story in the video ‘Voyage of Rediscovery’ you are to write a persuasive essay on this question:

Is there a connection between traditional First Nations spirituality and conflict resolution?

The essay should be between about 5 paragraphs long.

Your first paragraph should include a hook, a brief description of traditional First Nations conflict resolution, and a thesis statement.

Your second paragraph should be a brief description of what happened to Frank Brown as a child and young man.

Your body paragraphs should use evidence from the video of the connection.

Your final paragraph should summarize your ideas and expand them.  For example, is this model of conflict resolution and spirituality something we can implement in the wider society? Or, have you seen examples of the connection between spirituality and conflict resolution in other situations – not connected to First Nations people perhaps.

You can do this with pen and paper or submit it online. If you choose the online option submit to Wilson’s gmail:

Evalutation:  20 marks

  • well organized
  • good grammar and spelling
  • good use of evidence from the text and video
  • good analysis or explanation that answers the essay question.

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